Do you have a family member diagnosed with epilepsy or seizures? Knowledge of an illness, such as epilepsy, is key equipment for you to be able to handle the situation proactively. With the right knowledge, you will be able to look for the appropriate care from providers of comprehensive neurology in Greensboro, North Carolina.
According to UCSF Health, seizures are not just displayed as jerking body movements. Other times, even a blank stare for a brief period is, in fact, a form of seizure.
Otherwise known as local or partial seizure, a focal seizure is triggered by an abnormal electrical activity in a specific part of the brain, usually a smaller portion. The part of the brain that mainly causes seizure is also called as seizure focus.
Here’s a quick guide on the general types of focal seizures:
- Simple Focal Seizures
These are seizure attacks wherein the patient is still conscious about their surroundings. However, some of them will not be able to move or speak until the seizure is over. A simple focal seizure is characterized by jerking or stiffening movements of different parts of the body. For the patient, they may experience different emotions including fear, anger, and even happiness. They can also have a sense of ringing-like sounds and even unusual odors. This type of focal seizure will last within a minute or less.
- Complex Focal Seizures
These types of seizures take out a person’s full consciousness resulting in them being in a dreamlike situation. You will notice that the patient will only look at you or anything with a blank gaze. In addition, the patient can also tend to chew involuntarily. Aside from chewing, they can also walk around, fidget, or make any other repeated movements which display confusion or lack of organized thought. Complex focal seizures usually last within a minute and a half.
- Secondarily Generalized Seizure
This type of seizure is an evolved version of the above-mentioned two types. As it happens, secondarily generalized seizures start out as a focal seizure which grows into a generalized version resulting from the electrical impulses spreading to other parts of the brain. The patient can be conscious as the seizure begins. After a while, the patient will lose consciousness and will go through convulsions in the process.
Neurological conditions, such as focal seizure, need proficient monitoring and oversight from the experts providing neuro care in North Carolina. If they don’t have proper healthcare assistance, the patient can end up having a seizure without someone noticing the signs. It might lead to complications which can be unsafe for the patient.
Our team at Kiings Neurological Care PLLC can provide you with expert assistance in caring for your loved one with seizure issues. Contact us to inquire about our neurology practice or with other ways on how we can help you.
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